Thursday, February 12, 2009

What's your persona, about this Americana?

Hey hey hey. 

Week three here in Spain... and it just keeps getting better and better. The rain finally broke, and we've been having the loveliest of weather since; in fact, yesterday the forecast called for "abundant sun," a prediction which I found to be hilarious because I had never heard it before. Indeed, the sun is abundant here and the air is getting sweeter and sweeter with the smells of spring every day. 

Classes started this week. I was going to jump around a bit and try an a la carte type of schedule, but I decided to just pick the classes at the best times, and those that didn't seem to suck the life out of the Spanish experience. So, here's what I'm left with: M/W "Arab influence in Spanish Literature," and "The Art of Flamenco," T/Th Grammar II and Semantics. I think the latter two will really boost my understanding of Spanish, so although they might be lame it'll pay off in the end. 

The biggest and most exciting news of this week happens to revolve around the England vs. Spain soccer game that took place in Sevilla last night. The city has been absolutely PACKED with Brits all week, getting drunk/crunk and quite riled up for the match. My friends and I were making travel plans at a bar on Tuesday and just so happened to meet a group of English guys... they were oh so friendly, terribly witty and ridiculously hilarious. Apparently all they do is drink like fish and sing patriotic songs as loud as they can until they're forced to stumble back to their hotels. 

We hung out with a small group of fellas for several hours and then met back up with them last night. They were quite entertained by us, as we were by them... I kept asking them to teach me phrases and then tell me if I could pull off the accent... all in all I think it was a success, as they all agreed to make me an honorary Englishman. HA. They also thought I was the "spettin' emage" of Lily Allen, a British pop singer; they all called me Lily or Lils and I couldn't decide if it was a pet name or they just were too drunk to remember my real name. Either way, it was hysterical. 

And, after this weekend my admiration for Englishmen was completely confirmed... they are quite the gentlemen and I loved every second of it :) HA!

Haley and I bought our Semana Santa tickets... we're going on a 10 day trip to Paris, Brussels and Prague. JODER!

My house mom has such a strange diet... she never eats bread, and rarely ever sits down for a meal. But the other night she had a glass of wine, half a beer, a bowl of potato chips, two ice cream sandwiches and a slice of fruitcake. She's sitting right next to me tearing up sunflower seeds like she was born to de-shell them. It's like a lightning process and it's amazing how fast she can get through a bag. I'm trying not to laugh out loud. 

Tomorrow we go to Granada for the weekend... hope it's super fly, but I'll keep you all posted just in case. 

PS - I've decided to entitle my blogs with song lyrics... souvenirs for those who can guess which songs they are!

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Sevilla, Andalucía, Spain
Once I read a story about a butterfly in the subway, and today, I saw one! It got on at 42nd and off at 59th, where, I assume, it was going to Bloomingdales to buy a hat that will turn out to be a mistake, as almost all hats are.