That's right folks, this past weekend was the infamous Lagos '09 trip.
We left Sevilla Friday morning at 7:30... bright and early. We arrived in Lagos at around noon... but the bus driver didn't even really drop us off at the station, he just plunked us down in a parking lot and was like See-ya! Thank goodness I remembered to right the address of the hostel down! We just started walking in a random direction and luckily found a free map. After about a half hour we finally made it to our hostel, checked in a had lunch on the patio.
We went exploring in the city and found some interesting fountains and touristy sorts of shops. We decided to go back to the hostel and just hang out for a bit before dinner at a Pizza place down the road. We were like the only people in the restaurant for about an hour, so it was slightly awkward, but our food was really good and our waiter was very nice. We went back to the hostel and started getting ready to go out - and I pumped some jams on my ipod. They were the most ridiculous and obnoxious songs from the 90s, but they prepped us well for what was later to come in the night. We finally left the hostel at around 11 and stopped at a bar near by called Three Monkeys... this is what the flyer we were given read:
All our friendly and beautiful staff have been reconstructed using monkey DNA and chicken noodle soup. From 7 - 11pm, Pro drinking lessons, freestyle sex classes, free knitting patterns, hardcore puppet sex, nightly memory erasing for your own protection.
We had no idea what any of that meant, but if free knitting patterns were on the line then I was definitely in! When we showed up there was pretty much no one there, but after a while it started filling up. Liz met some British guys, one of whom was very cute while the other was old and pretentious and too concerned with impressing everyone to even have a pleasant conversation. Then the other girls met these random kids from another hostel and we all decided to follow them to another bar... which just so happened to be a KARAOKE BAR WITH MY NAME ON IT! We signed up almost immediately to sing the Spice Girls "Say You'll Be There," a tune to which we rocked out to back at the hostel. When we took the mic - oh man - it was amazing. Ha! Everyone in the bar was looking at us - laughing, whooping, whistling... there was even a little girl at the table in the front who probably thought we were the Spice Girls. We got an obnoxiously awesome applause afterwards and chose Britney Spears "Oops I did it Again" as our encore performance. Needless to say, by the end of the night we had quite the fan base.
The next morning we went on a boat ride around the coast... it was beautiful. The weather started out kind of shady, but pulled through for us in the end. The water was a beautiful blue-green, clear as day, the rock formations had so much character and the caves were soooo fun to go into. Here are a few photos:
After the boat ride we went to the beach and just hung out for a while. A stray dog, which we believed to be either real pregnant or awkwardly fat befriended us and wouldn't leave us alone. We fed her potato chips and let her drink water from our hands. We decided to name her Whoopi Goldberg because she reminded Haley of the hyenas from the Lion King. We spent the afternoon in the sand, got to do some reading, then went back to the hostel for dinner at a Chinese place. We went out again that night but kind of came back early because it wasn't going as well as the night before had.
Sunday morning we woke up and dilly-dallied around as if we had all the time in the world to kill until our bus left at 3:15. When I round the corner to check out the scene my friend Lauren is screaming 'MIGHT AS WELL GO BACK TO THE HOSTEL BECAUSE WE MISSED THE BUS!" Under any normal circumstances I would have had an anxiety attack of sorts, but I just couldn't believe it. Could. Not. Believe. It.
We had no other choice but to stay another night in the hostel and take the next bus back to Sevilla at 6:30 Monday morning. Had a glass partition not had stopped me, I would have cut the Portuguese woman checking out ticket stubs before we left... she refused to acknowledge the fact that it was valid for two passengers... so I grabbed the ticket, screamed "IT'S FOR TWO!" in english, let her yell at me for a second and then ran to the bus and ate my egg sandwich. This event only confirms why I can't stand old people or Europeans in general.
We made it back, safe and sound and in one piece. Bring on the next adventure!
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