We'll start with the little day trip API took to Donana, a big ol' fatty national wildlife park in Andalucia. On the way we stopped in a little town called Rocio, which is the home of a statue of the Virgin Mary which is a real big deal.

It's the largest pilgrimage site in all of Spain, and during May thousands of people flock to the tiny town to make offerings to the Virgin and worship in the Cathedral.

Outside of the church there is a beautiful lake that leads into Donana; there were wild horses drinking the water and all sorts of birds. Really beautiful.

It's the largest pilgrimage site in all of Spain, and during May thousands of people flock to the tiny town to make offerings to the Virgin and worship in the Cathedral.

Outside of the church there is a beautiful lake that leads into Donana; there were wild horses drinking the water and all sorts of birds. Really beautiful.
The beach was actually in Huelva, right on the Atlantic. I was really surprised with myself, and I think it's safe to say I threw everyone a curve ball by laying out in the sun for about 4 hours. I just made sure to smother on the SPF and pick out some good tunes on my ipod. It was actually a really relaxing day -- the weather was wonderful and the beach was beautiful. I didn't take too many pictures, but there was this ADORABLE little boy who decided to strip down and start playing in the water with other little kids... and for some reason I just felt compelled to take pictures of him.


The next day, Liz and I spent the afternoon studying for our finals. We had bought tickets a few days before for a soccer game; we each paid for our own ticket then split one for Julio because Lord knows we wanted to get him out of the house by himself and see if we could get him out of his shell. Around 4:00, he and I drove to the stadium to collect the tickets... I was soooo excited. What's even better? HUNGRY EYES came on the radio as soon as we started driving, and I thought to myself, "this must be a sign from God." I laughed and was like "this is one of my favorite songs evvvvver!" Then I started dancing like a retard and he just laughed like I was crazy. Crazy in love with that sexy Spanish man indeed. *SIGH*
Anyways... we ended up meeting with a few of his friends prior to the game for a few beers. They were nice and we had some pleasant conversation. They bought a bunch of sunflower seeds, and during the game Julio tried to get us to eat them, but we just couldn't get down. They say they only eat them because of the suspense of the game, like they just need something to munch on... but I just can't get the process down.

Anyways, we kind of sat in the nosebleed section behind the south goal, but I could see everything and really liked it. Sevilla won, 3-1, over Mallorca and the crowd just went NUTS whenever a goal was scored. They had a section of crazy fans that cheered and sang and played instruments... it reminded me of Corner Blitz at an MSU football game, and I felt really excited to be part of that for an afternoon.

Anyways, we kind of sat in the nosebleed section behind the south goal, but I could see everything and really liked it. Sevilla won, 3-1, over Mallorca and the crowd just went NUTS whenever a goal was scored. They had a section of crazy fans that cheered and sang and played instruments... it reminded me of Corner Blitz at an MSU football game, and I felt really excited to be part of that for an afternoon.
Afterwards we all went for a drink at this bar downtown called Levies. Julio and his friends were all so shocked that we hadn't been there before, because apparently it's a really big touristy spot... but I had never heard of it. Juls bought us some drinks and some spinach croquetas which ROCKED MY WORLD - they were soooo flavorful and they even came with this salad that had carrots, beets, corn and a creamy spicy dressing. SOOO SEXY. Julio's friends just kept coming out of the woodwork... our table started at 5 and ended up with like 11. Sad thing is that they were all terribly boring and didn't really try to talk to us much. I was over it pretty fast though, because I was focusing all my attention on the croquetas :)
When we walked home, conversating with Julio was like pulling teeth. Liz and I were both struggling to think of what to say to him... that might be his only fault. I'm not sure if I'm willing to let that tiny detail derail my plans for happily ever after though. I'll keep you posted.
Finals recap and the final chapter of Sevillana life to come next.
MOM - Liz is using one of the masks you sent for traveling home... but she decided to dress it up a little ;)

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