Saturday, March 19, 2011

A Chubby Girl's Ode to Brussel's Pita Street

Pita Street, Oh Pita Street... a beacon of hope.
Weary from traveling, you rescued me mid-mope.
I set down my bag, and squeezed in the booth,
Immediately I felt at ease and so couth.

Your menus were simple, with prices so cheap,
Your kabobs are so sexy- stuffed so deep!
Yes that sounded dirty, but you must know the truth
Pita street = boner, and that is for sooth!

Add a good friend, and a raspberry beer...
With pitas in hand, we were so full of cheer!
Night after night, we came back for more
They knew us by name... yes, the Pita whores.

Cucumber sauce, corn and savory lamb,
I'm dreaming of Pitas- I am, I am!
One day I'll return and bring my hubby,
We will eat pitas and come back so chubby.

So the next time you ask me just what I'll eat,
I'll just close my eyes and think of Pita Street.
I wish so badly that I could apparate,
But this hungry girl needs to get something straight...

Kabobs and Pitas will always be there,
But for now, at my pictures I will have to stare.
When the time is right, I shall return
Until that day, my tummy will yearn!

About Me

My photo
Sevilla, AndalucĂ­a, Spain
Once I read a story about a butterfly in the subway, and today, I saw one! It got on at 42nd and off at 59th, where, I assume, it was going to Bloomingdales to buy a hat that will turn out to be a mistake, as almost all hats are.