1. Sweet tea
2. Barbecue
3. Mary and Derek ;)
4. Being able to wear winter clothes year round (chronic AC...such a waste of the budget)
5. LOTS of churches to choose from
6. a paycheck
7. The beach? Well... I really don't care, but for some it's nice
1. Southerners
2. Southern accents
3. lack of the mythical southern hospitality
4. Being away from our families
5. People who think they don't need to do their jobs or seem to not know anything of value
6. I'm missing fall :(
7. Bugs
8. The heat/humidity - my body suddenly feels 50 years older :(
9. The mail takes like 3 days longer to get here
10. Sales tax
11. There's no Meijer
12. ... This isn't Michigan.
18 days until the wedding... can't believe it. I still can't seem to make sense of how I got to this point, but it's ok. I feel faithful and loved and so excited for the change (isn't menopause called "the change?"). Hoping that the rest of this adulthood stuff falls into place once the wedding is wrapped up.
Note to self: They say you're only supposed to get married once in life because planning more than one wedding would probably kill you in about 3 days.
More news/pics soon <3