So my Dad invited Jake and I to come along and visit one of his work friends who has a reputation for collecting vintage cars and restoring them. We pulled up to this random house in the middle of no where and walked up to meet the guy. First thing out of his mouth after introductions : “Well Ron, we’re off to a good start… he’s white.” MY MOUTH DROPPED. Jake and I looked at each other and then everyone just kind of awkwardly laughed. Dot. Dot. Dot.
He brought us into a small garage and there were several cars he was working on. After about 2 minutes he took us back to the real deal space – a huge pole barn with like 100 cars in it! Well, more like 15 or 20 but still. If you know anything about me, it’s obvious that I typically could care less about cars. But these were just amazing – like pieces of art. There was so much history and design and… presence in that space, I just started giggling and bouncing around and I just randomly asked “can I touch one?” Bill let me sit in a few and I felt like I was on the set of an old Hollywood movie… I wish I had brought some red lipstick with me for the full effect.
Bill finally got to the point and said that Jake and I could pick any of the cars we wanted to use for our get-away car at the wedding… and if Bill is around that weekend we could have 2. DEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! I think we narrowed it down to the 1950 De Soto,
the 1942 Woody,
or some superfly brown hot rod that I just didn’t catch the model name of.
Everyone is really coming through for Jake and I so far and as stressed out as I get sometimes about this whole wedding thing, I really feel blessed. When October 16 rolls around, I know that I will be proud of everything we planned, and just ecstatic to officially be Mrs. Howland.
Speaking of becoming the Mrs., Jake and I started our Premarital Counseling class on Tuesday. It’s a 13-session program, which seems quite extensive, but I really think that it’s going to be amazing. I guess we’re to talk about all sorts of things – Family history, goals, money, sex, and intimacy – the works. It might be slightly awkward talking about sex with Pastor Bob and his wife Shelley. Not because it’s them in particular, but that’s a pretty touchy and personal subject… the video that corresponds with the book we have is composed of a bunch of group discussions with councilors. The whole course is Faith based, which I like a lot, but it just gives everything a certain tone. On the introduction, when the guy talked about how they were going to address sex in marriage, someone said “Men are like microwaves – they just turn on and heat right up. Women, however, are like Crock Pots. It takes a while to get them to simmer.” I had to do everything I could not to roll on the floor… maybe it was the timing or the way the guy said it, but I just think that’s a ridiculously hilarious analogy. And true.
What else has been going on? Nothing! Yes, absolutely nothing.
I bought wedding shoes.
And earrings.
I watched the Princess and the Frog last night… I won’t say I was impressed but I will definitely say I wasn’t disappointed. I liked the old-school animation and the story line, it just didn’t have the magic that the old Disney classics had. Then again, they really are running out of fairytales, aren’t they?
I cleaned my room top to bottom yesterday… the unofficial spring cleaning you could call it. I’m glad the snow is gone, but the chill could pack its bags too! Thank God for sunshine though, and I love driving by and seeing the daffodils come out to play. They are the friendliest things you know.
Congrats to Mr. Colton for standing up by himself. My little nephew is growing up so fast, and growing out! He’s so chubby I’m surprised he had the lower body strength to get on his feet :)

The trailer for the movie Eat, Pray, Love came out last week. I am sooooooo excited! Julia Roberts is amazing – I don’t really care what anyone says. And I really believe that if they stay true to the memoir, then this could be an amazing film. BUH, the book is just so freaking good. I find myself just randomly flipping through the pages when I need a good quote or some quality thoughts to reflect on. Elizabeth Gilbert just always delivers.
I’m craving a spicy California roll from Omi right now like it’s my job. Someone call and tell me it’s a bad idea. Please?