Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Colors and Promises
Still teaching. Still hating it... well, majority of the time. There are certain kids who absolutely brighten my day and I will miss them when either they leave or I leave. But this is life, no? THEN, there are some of those kids who I look at and literally have to pray for strength to not inform them that they are choosing to be worthless, embarrassing and sorry excuses for human beings. I care. I can say I don't care, but not matter what I say, I will always care. And maybe that's the problem? Hearts have colors and maybe mine has too many...
I am exhausted of late trying to keep up with the "40 hour" teaching job (so many of you know that 40 hours is a joke), and 14 contact hours at school for my new career choice. I'm tired. I feel like I can't take care of myself and like I'm falling apart at the age of 25. 25... oh my word... 26 is right around the corner. What a scary thing to think of the future, to try to have control, but to realize you have none. This too shall pass, no?
On a brighter note... I love Jake. I love my parents. I loooove my siblings and I adore all of my nieces and nephews. They consistently bring the most beautiful kind of love and warmth into my life and if I could spend every moment just watching them, just talking to them and soaking in their innocence, I would. Until I have my own, they are my own.
Also, a very special note goes out to three of the most special ladies in my life. Amber: just got of Skype with you and that beautiful Logan. You are a great mother, and God is putting us through hard times because he knows we will ask for the tools to make it through. Remember he is the problem solver.
Ashley: You are far away only in distance, but not in thought. I think of you daily and I remember exactly what it felt like to feel confused, alone, frustrated and just straight up pissed off. Love on your boys, they need your support. Communicate with your big boy, he might not let on but he needs support too. That communication will come full circle and you will begin to feel at peace in this new adventure. Any questions, any tears, any stories - you know I'm here.
Wifey: God is working in your life whether you recognize it or not. He's been waiting for you to pay him attention and he is so excited to see that you're coming around. It might be a slow process, and it will be a struggle... but if you can dedicate your heart to what you inexplicably know is right... you will be blessed beyond belief. You are beautifully and fearfully made - don't let your doubts, your plans or your inner demons tell you otherwise.
Christmas is coming up - so let the CHRISTMAS TIME PLAYLIST start on a loop! It might be the only thing to keep me pumped up pre "holiday break," excuse you - CHRISTMAS BREAK.
I'm going to try to be much better at blogging from now on and definitely much better at photographic our lives together down in NC. This has now turned into verbal diarrhea and I keep staring at a magazine picture of a cherry pie that is obnoxiously distracting. Hmm... what to do?
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Just give a little whistle
Luckily, we didn't run into them because they were all either "sleeping or hiding," said the Lilybug. At one point during the hike she farted and it was soooo funny because all she did was yell out, "whoops! excuse me :)" Colton was so clumsy that we couldn't really let him walk on his own - the whole track was down hill and he would have just hit the ground and rolled to the bottom. I felt bad because Courtney and Justin kept passing him back and forth - he's a rock!
After hopping in the car, Lily and I began to snack on some left over Corn Nuts, and she just got herself and COlton tickled to DEATH over the "cruuuuuuuuuunchy" sound they made in your mouth. Courtney and I were almost in tears at their silliness. The tiniest things can make them laugh for hours. We got home and played outside a little bit more, then made cookies together. I think the kids ate more dough that actual cookies in the end, but it was so much fun to have them help out and look at everything with such curiosity.
THe following weekend my Mom and Dad came down from Michigan for a weekend visit. We had a fun time out Thursday night to dinner and around Goldsboro. Friday (still feeling stick from the strep and ear infection I had been blessed with earlier in the week) I decided to take the day off and take my parents in to Raleigh. We had lunch at the Cheesecake Factory and shopped around the mall for a bit; then we went over to Whole Foods where they treated Jake and I to all sorts of yummy, fresh and organic groceries. When we got home, Darren drove up from Clinton and we had a BBQ at our place. Yum yum - steaks, chicken, veggies, corn on the cob and angel food cake for dessert. Of course, let's not forget the case of glass-bottled Coke Jake picked up from Sam's. Such a treat!
We then took the ferry out to the NC Aquarium, which I wasn't crazy pumped for to start with, but it turned out to be something I really enjoyed. They had some great displays/exhibits and it was nice to just walk around at our leisure and be silly with one another.
We took the ferry back to the port and then set out to find a bistro on the marina that had been recommended to us by the folks at the Provision Co. Again, we had a fantastic culinary experience with fresh foccacia bread and oil/herbs to dip in... JUMBO JUMBO shrimp and yummy house-made ravioli...
and of course, CRAZY desserts like cannoli and coconut and pineapple cake. No one fought or bickered, every one was laughing and it was just such a gift to have my family there with me. The only bad thing: we missed Courtney Lauren. It just didn't feel 100% complete without her.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
A Chubby Girl's Ode to Brussel's Pita Street
Weary from traveling, you rescued me mid-mope.
I set down my bag, and squeezed in the booth,
Immediately I felt at ease and so couth.
Your menus were simple, with prices so cheap,
Your kabobs are so sexy- stuffed so deep!
Yes that sounded dirty, but you must know the truth
Pita street = boner, and that is for sooth!
Add a good friend, and a raspberry beer...
With pitas in hand, we were so full of cheer!
Night after night, we came back for more
They knew us by name... yes, the Pita whores.
Cucumber sauce, corn and savory lamb,
I'm dreaming of Pitas- I am, I am!
One day I'll return and bring my hubby,
We will eat pitas and come back so chubby.
So the next time you ask me just what I'll eat,
I'll just close my eyes and think of Pita Street.
I wish so badly that I could apparate,
But this hungry girl needs to get something straight...
Kabobs and Pitas will always be there,
But for now, at my pictures I will have to stare.
When the time is right, I shall return
Until that day, my tummy will yearn!
Monday, February 7, 2011
Oh yea, this is powerful stuff
Friday, December 3, 2010
So this is love?
We got home and just crashed at my parents for some much needed sleep. I woke up early Wednesday morning and headed to the court house to apply for our marriage license. I was so happy to get it done, but when I left the courthouse my check book mysteriously disappeared… I still have no idea where it is.
When I pulled into the drive way, our beautiful get away car had just arrived. I am still waiting to get photos back but I know they will be amazing.
We spent the evening starting to decorate the church, and headed back early Thursday morning. Luckily our families were there to help, and a few bridal party members… they saved my butt. Literally could not have pulled it off without their hard work and creativity. I know everyone was tired and ready for the day to arrive, but they kept pushing!
Friday Jake and I picked up our license then parted ways. Courtney and I took Lily all over town – we had lunch, did a little shopping and we got our nails done. It was so nice to spend some time with both of them… and I loved seeing Lily at the nail salon.
She got her fingers and toes painted and she was adorable… we sang The Wheels on the Bus as we waited for our nails to dry and just had a wonderful time. She’s adorable.
When we were done, we hurried home and my long lost wifey met me at the house. I was so excited to see her that I could barely stand it. We got dressed and headed over to the rehearsal at the church. Everyone was there, everything was set up and we were ready to get it done. I was just happy to be accomplishing something, but a few of the bridesmaids really got choked up from the beginning. I thought to myself two things : “this is only the rehearsal, what’s going to happen when you all lose it tomorrow?!” and “I am so loved.” Dinner at the Beach Bar was yummy, we finished pretty fast and then everyone parted ways.
My sister arranged for me to stay at a cabin with some of my bridesmaids, and when I got to the house they had planned a lingerie party for me. We laughed and ate and drank and I had such a good time. I wanted to press pause because I knew the weekend was going too fast, I miss all of my friends so much and just cherished the time I had with them right then and there.
Not to mention the fact that they were showering me with some pretty fly gifts! We got to bed at a decent hour and Jake snuck a late night phone call in to me… I told him I’d be the one wearing the gorgeous dress tomorrow and that I would meet him at the altar. LOVE!
The morning of the wedding flew by. WE went to Tecumseh and got our hurr did, at some breakfast and tried to relax. I loved how my hair turned out wish it could be that sexy/fierce/glam every day.
At the church Jake and I exchanged gifts – and it’s well documented that we are huge cry babies, as each of us turned into a bucket of blubber opening our gifts.
I started getting nervous… we were taking photos and trying to be organized, but I got to a point where I didn’t want to speak to anyone. I just wanted to be by myself, still – with some time to think about what was actually going on around me. It still doesn’t seem like it actually happened.
The ceremony was 10000% more than what I thought it would be – I was so pleased with the music, the vows, and with the overwhelming sense of love I had for Jake and my family. Afterwards, we tried to hustle and get formal photos done… so rushed. Then we hopped out into the get away car to ride over to Somerset – and it wouldn’t start! I was so confused with what was going on that when they started pushing the car down the hill all I could do was laugh. What a memory.
Our photos at the orchard and the park were so much fun, filled with character and sass and the colors were so vivid.
We got back to the church as soon as we could, but of course we were over an hour late. I felt bad for making people wait, but at the same time I thought to myself “I’m never going to be in this dress, in this moment again… so let me have my pictures!”
We tried to eat and then get out to socialize as much as possible but we were far too ambitious. It was so frantic and I felt that no matter how hard I tried I couldn’t get to everyone. Without alcohol, people started leaving at an early hour – and for a while I was really disappointed because I thought that meant no dancing. After calming down, I got out on the dance floor and cut a mean rug with THE WORLDS BEST BRIDESMAIDS and the crew… a little bit of Mr. Jones, Shout and Journey was enough to suffice for this bride :)
Lily hurt herself and Colton was coming down with something, so my sister and mom had to leave early. This set everyone into confusion with clean up and organization but everyone pulled through to the max. I could not believe how willing people were to stay and rip things apart – so fast and so unselfishly. It meant so much to us. We finally got out of the church and to the hotel, had a few drinks and laughs with our friends and then celebrated the day together. We cuddled up in the wee hours of the morning, heated up our picnic basket of food from the reception and opened some cards… then fell asleep as husband and wife, which felt different but very natural and so certain.
The next morning Courtney and the babies came over, along with my Mom and Dad and Toby and we opened all the gifts.
It took all of our effort together to load the car back up on account of all the loot – but we drove back to Onsted and just basked in the glory of the wedding experience. I love my brother and sister, they were each so thoughtful with their gifts... not to mention we have so many beautiful things to frame and put up in our house that we shouldn't have to worry about decorating for a while :)
We spent the rest of our time at home trying to get everything together and organized. We said goodbye to the babies, to our parents and families, and what friends we could... then hit the road headed south. The trip back to NC went incredibly fast and we made good time.
There are some minor disappointments in regards to the reception, but over all I am so pleased with how the day turned out… and sooooo thankful that I never have to plan something like that again! My agenda is filled with living life as Mrs. Howland, and that’s that.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
You must not know bout me
Being as busy as it is, we haven't had the opportunity to explore NC that much, but we've done a few fun things.
Labor day weekend we went to Carolina Beach with our NC-bffs Mary and Derek for a lazy day at the beach... surprise, surprise -- Derek proposed! Since we met the two love birds, we've all been teasing Derek about when we was going to pop the question. Then out of no where he decides that he was going to DO IT.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
I don't drink soda, I drink POP...
About Me

- Allison
- Sevilla, AndalucĂa, Spain
- Once I read a story about a butterfly in the subway, and today, I saw one! It got on at 42nd and off at 59th, where, I assume, it was going to Bloomingdales to buy a hat that will turn out to be a mistake, as almost all hats are.